What Went Wrong in American Higher Education and What to Do About It

In the previous six essays I summarized Christopher Rufo’s account of how the New Left came to dominate American education, government agencies, and corporations. I will devote this essay to higher education.

Christian Faith versus The New Left Philosophy

Before I discuss higher education, I want to assert briefly and bluntly that neo-Marxist philosophy is incompatible with Christianity. You cannot be a disciple of Karl Marx and Herbert Marcuse and be a Christian in any sense close to orthodoxy. Marcuse was an atheist as are most other New Left leaders. As we saw in our previous essays, neo-Marxists are willing to destroy a relatively just, admittedly imperfect, social order in a despairing hope that a perfect one will take its place. The New Left divides human beings into oppressors and oppressed; it further divides the oppressed into a hierarchy of ever more marginalized identities. It explains all human relationships by this narrow category. Moreover, it justifies violence as a means of bringing about its vision of justice. CRT, DEI, and Critical Pedagogy make no sense apart from neo-Marxist critical theory. They cannot be adapted to serve a Christian purpose.

In contrast to the New Left philosophy, Christianity proclaims that God exists and is known truly in Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. God is the creator and lord of the world. Human beings are God’s creatures made in his image and subject to sin, corruption and death. There is no hope for salvation except in God. People find their true identity in faith and union with Christ. Jesus calls on his disciples to live in peace and joy, to be peacemakers and extend mercy, to love their neighbors and enemies. There is one church, inclusion into which depends on faith and baptism. Class envy and racial animus are forbidden. Violence in service of supposed just causes is prohibited. In both spirit and letter, Christianity and neo-Marxism could hardly be more antithetical. You cannot serve two masters.

Why American Universities Fell So Readily to the New Left

Why were American universities so easily and so thoroughly conquered by the New Left? Why could they not resist such an anti-Christian, anti-democratic, anti-American, and divisive philosophy?

The New University

The short answer is that in the late 19th century the old American colleges began their transformation into modern universities by adopting the research model of the University of Berlin (1810). They cease assuming the truth of Christianity and argued for professorial and student freedom to teach and learn unencumbered by confessional restrictions. They viewed academic freedom and professional competence as essential because the new idea of the university centered on critique of old ideas and the production of new knowledge. Hence any force that resisted those new goals was considered anti-progressive. And progressive academic leaders thought that orthodox Christianity and conservative politics were the most counter-revolutionary forces they had to fear. To guard against these reactionary forces, modern academic leaders institutionalized such strong protections as near inviolable academic freedom and career-long tenure. The enemies of critical scholarship, value neutral research, and the progress of science, they thought, were all on the right, that is, among those wanting to turn back the clock. Hence all modern academia’s defenses were directed to its right. The values academic leaders asserted were critical, skeptical, purely methodological, liberal, and supposedly metaphysically and religiously neutral; all were designed to defend against traditional religious and political dogmas. Modern academia could not assert positive beliefs, truths, and values without sounding dogmatic and hypocritical. Its only commitment was to make no commitments. It never imagined that it would be attacked and conquered from the dogmatic left.

The Dilemma

As we learned from Rufo, the New Left turned modern academia’s progressive rhetoric, critical methods, and institutions of academic freedom and tenure against it. Because the New Left was neither conservative nor Christian, it caught the liberal establishment off guard.  The New Left painted the liberal order of the modern university as sold out to the white capitalist establishment. The liberal university establishment, in the leftist critique, was not critical enough, not neutral, and not progressive. Liberal academics and university administrators were face with a dilemma. They could admit that they have positive commitments after all and assert those beliefs, values, and truths in its defense against the leftist critique. Or, they could give in to the New Left as the logical outcome of their critical stance toward traditional Christianity and conservative politics. Not wanting to give ground to their old enemies, they chose the latter. To escape Christian dogma and reactionary politics, the nightmares of the liberal establishment, the university mortgaged itself to tyrannical, dogmatic leftists.

Is Reform Possible?

According to Rufo, the only possibility of overturning the neo-Marxist hold on the American university—if there is a possibility at all—lies in the democratic process. The public must reassert its control and reimpose its values on the education system. It will have to insist that primary, secondary and college education should stop working to create activists for the left’s utopian vision of social justice and take up again its traditional task of preparing productive and informed citizens for the constitutional republic of the United States of America. The value of tenure for securing the quality of education and as protection from arbitrary dismissal should be obvious, but it must be granted and maintained only under specific and clearly stated contractual obligations consistent with the stated mission of the university. The protection of academic freedom should not be extended to efforts that subvert the academic mission of the university by redirecting the educational process toward non-academic purposes. Moreover, universities should make it clear that freedom of speech applies not to the classroom but to public spaces. In staff, administrative, and bureaucratic positions, where academic tenure and academic freedom do not apply, legislatures, Boards of Regents, and administrators have much more freedom to reorganize and reform the educational bureaucracy. Shutting down all Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) offices would be a good start.

An Uphill Climb

But I am skeptical that the public, elected officials, and Boards of Regents will carry out these measures. I could list many reasons for my pessimism, and so could you. But from an insider perspective, this one stands out: there is a deeply rooted assumption in higher education that there should be a single academic culture that sets the standards for the whole nation. Each university, it is assumed, should embody those standards. As long as this assumption holds sway, it is impossible for any one university to assert positive beliefs, values, and truths against the New Left. In a diverse society like ours, it is unlikely that a set of beliefs, values, and truths strong enough to resist the New Left can emerge as a national consensus. The only way forward is to reject the assumption of the necessity of one uniform definition of sound education. Individual universities must assert their right to define their own standards.

Next Time: The New Left and The Christian College

1 thought on “What Went Wrong in American Higher Education and What to Do About It

  1. Dr Jonne Smalhouse

    Hi Ron greetings,

    Thank you for this partial conclusion.

    Broadly comparing philospohical ideologies with religious doctrine is intriguing, allbeit between neo-marxism and christianity. Your conclusion leaves little to debate, since you mention serving two masters and a mutual incompatibility (antithesis) that is obvious to this reader.

    It remains important however, that altgouh your introduction’s rhetoric is brief, we try to look at it in some depth to ascertain if our christian panegyric overlooks any possible useful similarities. That is to say, listing one set of religious beliefs dods not negate all other philosophical ideologies, it merely compares and contrasts. I want neo-marxism to be exposed as what it truly is (nonesense) but let’s assume i’ve missed something that could lead to a better understanding, and progress before a fatal judgement. Much like Rufo.

    For ” He makes his sun to rise upon the evil and the good…although they knew God… they became futile in their thinking and their hearts were darkened”.

    And “All authority that exists has been instituted by God… resisting it will incur judgement. For the sake of your conscience… pay respect and honour to whom it is owed”.

    Neo-marxism does fan outwards in it’s mesmeric tenet of pseudo-inclusionism, expanding it’s promise of pleasinng all of the people all of the time, but it’s history shows this dichotomy usually finishes in revolution, anarchy and then the path narrows to tyrrany. But why does this happen?

    Inside each and every one of us, a human being irrespective of our individual primary beliefs, is a person “made in the image of God”; our tripartite nature ( like the Holy Trinity) is ineffable, believer or no. What bearing does this have upon the situation?

    ” Judge not and you will not be judged… Then each of us must give an account of themself to God”.

    It occured to me that neo-marxists aim at the ‘perfect’ at the expense of their own progress (yes we’ve spoken many times about this ancient philosophical failing). We must allow that a needfuless for change, without or within, is a christian thing. It is an inbuilt property of the spirit and truth-lead restless soul. Could it be possible that this powerful thrust for change, epiphany, transformation or even re-birth is a great cry for help, essential for spiritual progress? A process, which, i’m certain no christian would wish to deny (them).

    For ” if you do not forgive others their tresspasses neither will yours be forgiven you…. That we may no longer be children tossed by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, cunning, craftiness and deceitful schemes”.

    ( i know it’s christian to christians)

    Therefore, again, it becomes the responsibility of all christian folk to fulfill our promise to Jesus, that we spread his gospel. And to those people we know with such harsh feelings, to preach peace and by doing so, allow progress by transformation into the one christian church that is Christ Jesus. Who can say where and when our Holy Spirit acts just now. From the days of John the Baptist, until now, the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence; and the violent take it by force.

    ” Not many should become teachers… because we who teach will be judged with far greater strictness”.




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